January 16, 2023

Outsourcing Challenges

Outsourcing has become super popular in the business world, and it's not hard to see why. It's a great way to save money, get access to different skill sets and talent from all over the world, and make your company more profitable. Outsourcing is hiring someone outside your company to do a job or task for you, and usually, it's cheaper than doing it in-house.

But let's be real, outsourcing isn't all rainbows and unicorns. Some unique challenges come with it, especially when it comes to IT software outsourcing. It requires a different approach and mindset than in-house solutions, and some companies struggle to adapt to this change.

This article highlights the common challenges that come with outsourcing and provides some solid solutions on how to overcome them. So buckle up and get ready to learn!


Maintaining control when outsourcing can be a big challenge. When outsourcing work, you’re not working with your team – you’re working with a whole other company. This can make it tough to keep an eye on everything and make sure it’s all going according to plan.

One solution to this problem is to be crystal clear about your expectations right from the start. How much control does the outsourcing company have over the work? When you’re evaluating an outsourcing contract, make sure everyone knows what decisions the outsourcing team can make and what decisions are off-limits. At ProSolutions, we’re all about transparency. We encourage our clients to chat with our team and get to know us, so they can have more control over their work. What’s more, we’ve got a plethora of resources to choose from, so you can find the perfect match for your needs.

Outsourcing Experience

Another major challenge of outsourcing is simply not having enough experience with it. It can be overwhelming to work with an external team that has different workflows, practices, and concepts. Communicating your vision to someone you've never worked with before can also be a difficult task.

The solution to this challenge is to work with an expert vendor that can help you avoid any potential pitfalls and mitigate risks throughout the process. A good vendor will help you define your requirements and identify the best candidates for the job. Remember that outsourcing can be risky, but the right supplier will be there to guide you every step of the way.

At ProSolutions, we make it a priority to understand our clients' business needs and requirements. We work closely with our clients to identify potential risks and encourage them to start small and scale as needed.

Company Culture

In today's globalized world, companies need to find talented people, but it can be tricky when it comes to outsourcing work to other countries. There are two types of barriers that companies might face when outsourcing: corporate and regional barriers.

Corporate disparities happen because there are two different firms, with different workflows and cultures, often in different countries. This can create regional gaps that affect how different parts of the business communicate and work together. It can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between teams, which can hurt productivity and motivation.

But don't worry! There's a solution to this. When you outsource a project, it's a good idea to have a training program that educates your team and the outsourced service provider's staff about each other's cultures. This can help build understanding and prevent any potential clashes.

At ProSolutions, we get it. We focus on our customer's culture and work hard to align our team with their work styles and values. We take the time to understand our customer's needs and culture so we can provide the best service possible.


Outsourcing can be a real headache because of language and communication issues. When you work with people who speak a different language, it can be tough to understand each other. And when you're outsourcing, there are often a lot of unspoken assumptions that can cause big problems down the line.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to make communication easier. For one, you can use messaging apps and video calls to stay in touch with your outsourcing partners. There are also some great remote working tools out there, like Basecamp and Jira, that help you manage your projects more effectively.

When you're outsourcing, it's a good idea to choose partners in countries where people speak English fluently. That way, you can avoid language barriers and make sure everyone is on the same page.

At ProSolutions, we make sure that everyone on our team can speak English well and understand what you need. That way, we can work together smoothly and get the job done correctly.


Another challenge with outsourcing is ensuring security and protection of data and intellectual property (IP). This can include customer data, financial data, patents, and trade secrets. If this sensitive information is not properly safeguarded, your company could be at risk.

It doesn't matter whether you're a small business or a big corporation, data and IP protection are super important. When you work with a remote tech team, you'll probably have to share some confidential information about your business, which can be scary.

The solution is to have legally binding contracts in place, like a non-disclosure agreement, with the outsourcing partner. This helps reduce the risk of a data breach. At ProSolutions, we take security seriously and have strict data protection measures in place. We even ask for an NDA before starting any work with our clients.

Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer can be a real pain when it comes to outsourcing. It can get tricky because businesses often require detailed knowledge of specific products and services and a thorough understanding of unique business processes. Gaps during knowledge transfers can result in significant productivity and performance issues.

The best solution is to create a detailed plan for knowledge transfers, including product knowledge, processes, and software/tools. This way, your vendor can get a clear understanding of your specific business knowledge and provide documentation.

At ProSolutions, our team maintains and manages documentation for processes and workflows, including system architecture documents, process flow diagrams, user manuals, and user stories. We make sure everything is properly organized and comprehensively documented.


So, there you have it - those are the main challenges that you might come across when outsourcing. If you're new to outsourcing, you're bound to face some difficulties, but the key is to choose a trustworthy outsourcing partner. Look for a vendor who has plenty of case studies to show their experience, glowing customer reviews, and a team of experts who will guide you through the whole process.

If you need an end-to-end software solution for your business, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We'll help you prioritize your project and execute it seamlessly.

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